How does an automatic drone charging system empower data collection?

24th Oct 2020, HEISHA 

Using drones to replace manpower is a new trend. How can we make the drone smarter and truly unattended? One of HEISHA’s clients released a warehouse solution using a drone and drone self-charging system

With the self-charging drone station and indoor navigation technology, the data collection tasks can be done continuously without any human intervention. The collected data is responsive to any subtle but potentially important changes and the data consistency is at an unprecedented level.

Why do we need this kind of solution? The drone flight endurance is limited because without any drone long-lasting battery. Even DJI drone charging is not a problem for consumer use, but how can we step into autonomous flight from anywhere and operation without battery concern? The first thing is how to charge a drone.

A turnkey solution for autonomous indoor/outdoor inspection missions includes: 

Charging station (indoor charging station is just a charging pad without any canopy or rain cover), a drone with an HD camera, and a control software suite.

How to charge a drone? Finding the right charging base is basic. 

HEISHA indoor drone charging pad for warehouse data collection
DPad for warehouse inspection

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