HEISHA F200 fixed-wing drone hangar

After the launching of the V200 VTOL drone charging station, besides orders of V200 and L200 automatic cargo drone charging stations (from the SF Express), inquiries of fixed-wing drone charging stations are unexpectedly rising, HEISHA has developed the F200 fixed-wing drone hangar.
This F200 fixed-wing drone hangar is based on the container structure of V200, but in a different size, 40 feet, in order to fit in the drone charging pad, the launching track, and the robotic arms.
How does the F200 work?
After a fixed-wing drone is automatically charged by the charging pad, a robotic arm will grab it and put it on the catapult, then the drone will be launched autonomously to take a long-distance flight mission. A catching tower stands above the container to get ready for receiving the drone, and a string on the catching mechanism will get the drone and release it to the lifted charging pad for docking and recharging.
The technology of launching a medium-size fixed-wing drone automatically is not untouchable anymore after the combination of the automatic system and the catapult. HEISHA is using a robotic arm to connect their autonomous drone charging pad with the automatic catapult, which works with a drone catching mechanism to form a complete fixed-wing drone launching, docking, and charging solution.
Fixed-wing drone stands at an unbeatable position in emergency rescue mission due to their fast flight speed and heavy payload capacity. This automated fixed-wing solution requires the least person involved in the drone controlling process, which is a risk-reducing but cost-efficient solution.