HEISHA automated drone dock + USV quick response solution

December 27, 2022
This quick-responding solution is a complete system for searching for and rescuing the drowning person remotely and automatically. It is a two-floor docking station, one for the docking and recharging of a drone, and the other for the USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle).
How does it work?
With an infrared camera as payload, a drone only takes a few minutes to locate the drowning person and sync the location to the command center, then the USV will be sent to the location and bring the touchable hope to the person in the shortest time. All the rescue processes will be monitored through the drone camera to ensure the drowning person is being rescued successfully.
After the drone automatically returns to the dock, the autonomous recharging process will be activated, while the USV can be charging in the dock wirelessly at the same time.
1. Smart rescue with wireless charging
2. Integrate drone dock with USV
3. Remote operation
This smart quick response solution is the first USV that integrates with a drone docking system and can be controlled remotely.
About the R80s robot dock
R80s is a customized single-floor robot charging dock with the smallest size, yet it fits big drones like DJI M300 thanks to a propeller withdrawal design. R80s can be widely compatible with 2 cells to 12 cells LiPo battery-powered drones.