Bloomberg shared the news of Heisha’s new drone charging pad for VTOL fixed-wing
September 20, 2019, Heisha Tech, Shenzhen
Since Heisha launched the new drone charging pad C300 which is compatible with VTOL fixed wring, Heisha C300 got a lot of media attention.
Bloomberg shared the news from Heisha. “This is an unbelievable breakthrough in UAVs industrial, we saw the new future of unattended technology development.” One of Bloomberg’s editors said.
Drones have become a part of peoples’ life, especially using industrial applications. DJI makes a stormy sea stormier for the development of the civilian market. But how we can make it easier to use, heisha takes a lot of effort. Heisha’s chief engineer takes one year to improve the performance of the Heisha C300 drone charging pad. Now, Heisha opens development protocols and SDK to help partners or solution Integrator to build more complete, more intelligent solutions for terminal customers.