A billionaire is using the D135 drone dock for vale inspection in Portugal

August 25, 2022
The Vale Feitoso with 7,400 hectares in Portugal has been sold for 25 million euros, according to the SIC noticias and the TV report. This new owner is planning to invest another 50 million for transferring the vale into an Agroforestry reference (partially). A HEISHA D135 drone charging dock is being deployed in the Vale Feitoso for monitoring, inspection, and security purpose.
Agroforestry is regarded as the best combination of trees and agriculture, besides the environmental and ecosystem-friendly influence, the economical benefit it brings is also highly spoken by people involved. But transferring such a vast area as the Vale Feitoso is a challenge to the traditional farming way, from the basic measurement, and designing, to the following step of monitoring and evaluating the growth, the watering system, etc. Numerous farmers would be required if the drone didn’t participate. I guess that’s why our D135 is adopted, it can make all the work much easier and highly efficient while with only a few people.
The D135 drone charging station doesn’t require a professional pilot to fly a drone. By working with software, one can control a drone to fly automatically regardless of the distance as long as there is internet access. All the takeoff, landing, and charging are automatic, only need to preset a flight routine if you want to take a regular inspection mission. D135 drone dock works with DJI Matrice300 and can take an over 40 minutes flight mission (with one camera, 15m/s flight speed), covering about half of the vale, which means mapping the vale only takes two flights. About 90 minutes takes to charge the M300 from zero to full, two 40 minutes’ flights plus one automatic charging time is about 3 hours, that’s how long it takes to complete a whole patrolling of the Vale Feitoso.

About the D135 drone dock
HEISHA D135 autonomous drone docking station is the world’s first automatic drone charging station for DJI M300. It combines automated drone flight, remote control, and real-time video capture functions altogether. Large drone landing size is one of its unique features, its robust canopy design allows it to be deployed outdoors, with the air conditioning system and T3 drone control tower, weather conditions and temperature adjustment are all under supervision, and the charging safety is taken care of in every aspect. Multiple controlling modules including the M100 monitoring unit, T00 IoT communication controlling unit, and K100 five-in-one drone charging control module, are all independently developed and upgraded for better performance.